Current Versiion 1.0. Published: 27th January 2024. Review Date: June 2024
Formal Structure
The Independent North Shields Supporters Association is a not-for-profit unincorporated association and as a community group operated by volunteers.
Mission Statement
To develop funding initiatives to secure the long-term sustainable future of North Shields Football Club. To engage and encourage cooperation between all stakeholders to benefit the club and the wider community.
1. Independent North Shields Supporters Association (INSSA)
The name of the organisation shall be the Independent North Shields Supporters Association, hereafter referred to as INSSA (we, us, the association).
2. Objects
The objects of INSSA shall be to:
a) To develop funding initiatives to secure the long-term future oif the North Shields FC.
b) Represent North Shields FC supporters on issues decided by its members through a process of Structured Dialogue with North Shields Football Club.
c) Establish and maintain channels of communication with the Owners, Executives and Management of North Shields Football Club and any other stakeholders.
d) Promote, maintain, and value the history and identity of North Shields FC and its supporters.
e) Encourage the Owners, Executives and Management of North Shields FC to appreciate, welcome and value the support and participation of all NSFC fans and ensure that equal opportunities are promoted for all supporters.
f) Affiliate to the appropriate national and international football supporters’ organisations.
g) Represent North Shields FC supporters in national structured dialogue via the appropriate platform.
3. Membership
a) Membership of INSSA shall be available to all North Shields FC supporters.
b) Membership fees shall be as determined by the Association’s committee and must be confirmed by vote of members at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Concessions may be available to eligible members, as decided by the committee.
c) Membership records shall be stored securely in-line with GDPR guidelines and shall not be passed to a third party without the member’s written consent unless there is a legal requirement.
d) Should the Committee reject an application for membership, the applicant shall be duly notified and have the right of appeal at the next Committee meeting
e) All members are invited to attend and vote at the AGM and any EGM.
f) Members may attend and participate in Committee meetings at the discretion of the chair of the meeting.
g) All members on registration will have implied consent to adhere to the association code of conduct, a copy of which is available on our website for download.
h) Feedback, Complaints and Discipline: The association complaints policy covers how members may submit a complaint and how we deal with any issues and resolutions.
4. The Committee
a) INSSA shall have a committee of not more than 15 and not fewer than 4 members.
b) The period of office for Officers and other Committee members shall be from the conclusion of the AGM at which the Committee is declared as elected to the conclusion of the AGM the following year.
c) All Officers shall be members of the Committee with full voting rights.
d) All members shall be entitled to stand for election for any Officer or Committee member position.
e) An existing committee member shall be entitled to recommend a person to join the Committee.
f) All recommendations to join the committee must be approved by majority of the existing committee members before taking a position.
g) The Committee shall be entitled to fill any vacancy occurring during the year and shall ensure any such co-options are reported to the next AGM.
h) The length of term for initial Officers on the group’s formation shall be until the first AGM, where the inaugural election will take place.
5. Officers
The Officers of INSSA shall be the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer & Communication.
The Officers shall collectively take decisions and actions on matters between AGM and committee meetings, such as public statements and attendance at meetings. Normal duties of the Officers shall include:
a) Chair and Vice-Chair
· The Chair shall chair all INSSA meetings at which s/he is present.
· In her/his absence the Vice-Chair shall take the chair. In the absence of both the Chair and Vice-Chair the meeting shall appoint a chair from amongst its number.
· It is the duty of the Chair of Committee meetings to ensure all views of those present are heard at the meeting.
· In the event of a tie the Chair of all meetings shall have a casting vote.
b) Secretary
· The Secretary shall be responsible for circulating an agenda and relevant papers to those present at Committee meetings prior to the commencement of the meeting.
· The Secretary shall produce draft minutes of the Committee meetings, to be agreed as accurate, subject to any amendments, by the Committee at its subsequent meeting.
· The Secretary shall convene the AGM on a date agreed by the Committee, and will make all the arrangements for the meeting, including arranging an appropriate venue and providing an agenda for the meeting.
· The Secretary shall arrange to publicise Committee meetings to the membership.
c) Treasurer
· The Treasurer shall ensure that adequate financial records are kept and shall be responsible for the proper administration of INSSA’s financial affairs.
· The Treasurer will be responsible for ensuring that INSSA’s funds are maintained in an INSSA account as decided from time to time by the INSSA Committee.
· All payments shall be authorised by any two of the three signatories.
· The Treasurer shall submit a statement of balances, and an income and expenditure account, to the AGM in the year following that to which the accounts relate.
· The Treasurer shall supply full records of INSSA’s financial transactions and a statement of balances and an income and expenditure accounts to two elected auditors at the end of the financial year. The financial year of INSSA shall be from 1st April to 31 March.
6. Annual General Meetings (AGM)
a) An AGM should be held once annually at a time to be determined by the Committee.
b) The Secretary shall ensure that all members are sent notification of the date, time, place, and agenda for the AGM not less than fourteen days before it is due to take place.
c) The Secretary shall ensure that copies of the Minutes of the previous AGM and a INSSA Annual Report are available at the AGM.
d) The Annual Report shall contain statements on INSSA’s work during the year from the Officers and Committee members as appropriate.
e) The Treasurer will be responsible for ensuring that a balance sheet and an income and expenditure account is provided in writing to the AGM in the year following that to which the accounts relate.
f) The quorum for the AGM shall be 50% of committee members.
g) Should the AGM not be quorate thirty minutes after the published starting time the meeting shall be adjourned to a date not more than two months after the inquorate meeting. All members shall be notified of the new date by the Secretary.
7. Committee Meetings
a) The Committee shall consist of all Officers and Committee members, whether elected at the AGM, or subsequently co-opted.
b) At least four Committee Meetings shall be held each year, at a venue within INSSA’s hometown of North Shields.
c) INSSA policy shall be determined at Committee Meetings, subject to ratification at the next AGM.
d) The Committee can, by majority vote, decide to hold a ballot of members on any matter it so decides. The result of any ballot shall be binding on the Committee and may only be changed by decision of the AGM or an EGM.
e) In cases of urgency the Officers may decide policy by majority decision and shall report all such decisions to the membership.
f) The quorum for Committee meetings shall be four elected members of the Committee, one of whom must be an Officer.
g) It is the duty of all Officers present to ensure that the views of members not present, but which are communicated to the Officer prior to the meeting are reported accordingly.
h) Votes will normally be by an open show of hands. A secret ballot will be held if requested by at least one-third of the Committee members present.
i) The Committee shall strive to ensure that INSSA’s structures, meetings, communications mechanisms, and employment policies respect and promote the concept of equal opportunities.
j) The Committee shall establish a sub-committee as deemed necessary. The subcommittee shall appoint a Committee member as chair, to report on the activities and decisions of the sub-committee. All sub-committee decisions must be endorsed by the Committee before they are acted upon.
k) The Committee shall agree to establish or support charitable trusts, associations, or institutions in line with the objects of INSSA.
8. Extraordinary General Meetings
An EGM may be called:
a) By a 50% majority of the Committee, or
b) By members constituting at least 25% of the total number of members submitting written notice to the Secretary of their desire for such a meeting.
c) The Secretary shall convene an EGM within six weeks of receipt of such a requisition unless agreed otherwise with the requisitioners. The Secretary shall send notice of and the agenda for the EGM to all supporting members not less than seven days before the date of the EGM.
d) The quorum at EGMs shall be twenty members.
e) With the exception of dissolution (see below), resolutions may be passed at an EGM with the approval of a majority of members present.
9. Amendments to these Rules
a) Amendments to these rules may be proposed by the Committee or by any member.
b) Any proposed amendment from a member to these rules shall be submitted to the Secretary in writing not less than seven days prior to the date of the AGM or EGM called for the purpose.
c) An amendment to these Rules shall require a two-thirds majority of members present.
10. Dissolution
a) A motion to dissolve INSSA shall only be considered at an AGM or EGM of which all members have received at least four weeks written notice. The notice of the meeting shall contain the motion to dissolve the Association. A motion to dissolve INSSA may be proposed by the Committee or by a proposal signed by at least 25% of members.
b) To dissolve INSSA 50% of the members present must vote in favour of a resolution proposing dissolution.
c) On the dissolution of the organisation, once any debts have been settled, any outstanding monies or property of the association shall be given to an organisation with similar aims and objectives. The beneficiary organisation shall be as decided by the Committee.
d) It will be the responsibility of the former Officers of INSSA to dissolve the organisation in line with the wishes expressed at the General Meeting.
11. Code of Conduct
All members, officers, and associates of INSSA shall consent to be governed by the association Code of Conduct policy without exception.